KeePassXC 2.7.3 released

Today, we are releasing KeePassXC 2.7.3, the third maintenance update for the 2.7 stable series.

This release introduces saved searches, enhanced tags support, improvements to the entry preview panel, a db-edit command to the CLI, and corrects numerous bugs and crashes. We have also made several quality of life improvements to the program such as tabbing around the interface and preventing focus locks. This update also provides better handling of dark/light mode detection on macOS and Linux.

Saved Searches and Enhanced Tags in KeePassXC
Saved Searches and Enhanced Tags in KeePassXC


You can view the entire list of changes on the 2.7.3 Release Page.


The new release can be downloaded from our downloads page, the Microsoft Store, our Ubuntu PPA, Flathub, and Snapcraft.


Please report any bugs you encounter at our GitHub issue tracker. We are also available on Matrix for real-time feedback and discussions. See our contact page for further options.