KeePassXC 2.7.1 released
Posted on in Releases
Today, we are releasing KeePassXC 2.7.1, the first maintenance update for the 2.7 stable series.
The release fixes multiple issues with Auto-Type, performance problems with the legacy AES-KDF, and several other minor bugs. We also improved the entry preview panel layout and paved the way for first-class Flatpak support on Linux. Flatpak, thus far, has been a downstream third-party distribution, but with the new release, we upstreamed patches needed for building KeePassXC as a Flatpak, and it will eventually supersede Snap as our preferred Linux distribution channel. Our experience shows that Flatpak has been a more stable platform than Snap, which has had many deployment bugs over the years, so we decided to deprecate it in favour of Flatpak. If you are experiencing problems with the current Snap, we recommend you switch to one of our other two supported Linux packages or to Flatpak once we announce an official Flathub channel.